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Search data in literally million different ways - long

  • Episodes6
  • Duration16m 14s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 5

Adjusting Filters

How to adjust existing filters in eramba


In this episode, we explain to you the process of creating filters and modifying existing filters.


The process to create and new filter or modify an existing filter is described in the diagram below. You start by creating a new filter or re-using an existing filter (system or one that was created before).

You can then make modifications to the filter settings (conditions, columns, sorting, etc). You typically "Filter" (instead of saving them) until the filter shows the information you need. Once that is clear you can "Save" the filter so the changes remain in place.

Modifying Filters

If you do not want to modify an existing filter, then you need to first load an existing filter (from the Filter menu).

Once the filter runs and the data is presented, click on "Manage Filter", the filter setting window will be displayed.

You can adjust:

  • Columns to display
  • Conditions
  • Sortering
  • Limit the number of Results
  • etc

Then run the "Filter", you can repeat this process as needed until you get the results you are looking.

Once you are happy with the results edit the filter setting window but this time click on "Save" instead of "Filter".

Creating a Filter

If you want to create a new filter then click on "Filters" / "New"

You can then change the filter settings as described in the previous section. You will notice that every time you run the filter the name of the filter will show "Not Saved Filter"

Once you go to the filter you need, set a name and description (under the Settings option)

Now you can click on "Save"

Displaying Filters

If you want your filters to be displayed every time you load the module, then make sure the option "Default Index" is enabled.

Is very common that you will want two or three filters to be shown by default when you load a module. For example, if you load the risk module you could have the following filters shown by default:

  • Top Risks
  • Expired Risks
  • All Risks