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Risk Management

Learn how to implement Asset, Third Party and Business Risk Management in eramba. Given the large number of relationships that Risks have with other modules, this course is probably the longest in our entire curricula.

  • Episodes11
  • Duration50m 14s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 10

Threats & Vulnerabilities

How a database of known vulnerabilities and threats can be used


Identifying Threats and Vulnerabilities is common practice in Risk Management, in eramba you can use our pre-built database or simply use a text field to describe them. If you do not want to do this, remember that these fields are optional, so by using Customizations you could remove them from the form.

Tags come from a built-in database that can be customised to your needs by removing, adding and renaming threats and vulnerabilities. This database is managed from Settings / Threats and Vulnerabilities.

Automatic Suggestion

When using the Asset and Third Party module, at the analysis phase of the Risk creation you will need to asociate Assets with the Risk. 

Threats and Vulnerabilities are automatically based on the "Type" of the asset (Software, Data Asset, etc.). These suggestions might not always be accurate and therefore you will have to adjust them. The database that links Threats, Vulnerabilities and their associated Asset Types does not have a user interface.

Managing Database

When accessing the Threats and Vulnerabilities settings, you can see the list of items on the database. Note the relationship between them and Asset Types, this will be used if automatic suggestions are applicable.

In this interface, you can see which items are used on Risks, and you can edit and delete items as well. 

Note that only items not being used can be deleted. If you wish to expand the database with your threats and vulnerabilities, you can use the CSV import functionality.