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Risk Management

Learn how to implement Asset, Third Party and Business Risk Management in eramba. Given the large number of relationships that Risks have with other modules, this course is probably the longest in our entire curricula.

  • Episodes11
  • Duration50m 14s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 6

Risk Management Related Modules

Modules you need to understand in order to run the Risk Management module


As mentioned in the previous episodes, the Risk Management module requires "solutions" and therefore is mandatory that you understand how these other modules work.

Related Modules

You need to ensure you complete the following courses before continuing with this Risk Course:

The first three will also be helpful for the Risk and Data Protection modules, so all this knowledge will be leveraged still in other main courses on this platform. Once you complete this training you can continue with this course.


If you would like to use online questionnaires to gather Risk identification information you can also use our Online Assessment module which allows you to upload custom questionnaires and send them to different audiences (inside and outside your organisation).