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Implementation Roadmap

Learn the process you need to follow to learn how eramba is used and implementated

  • Episodes10
  • Duration21m 13s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 6


In this phase, we will customize every module in the scope of your use cases.


In this phase, you will customise the forms and filters of every module in the scope of your use case. 

Phase Instructions:

  • On the left panel, click on "All Use Cases". Read the documentation and then complete tasks.
  • On the left panel, click on the "Use Case" you previously selected. Read the documentation and then complete tasks.

All Use Cases

Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:

  • Identify which modules are in the scope of your Use Cases
  • For each one of these modules, create a dummy item (Risk, Control, Policy, etc) to see what the creation form fields look like. We recommend clicking on "Save" just after the form loads so you focus alone on mandatory fields, leaving all non-mandatory fields empty and ready to hide them to simplify eramba.
  • For each one of these modules, hide all fields you don't need. This is typically all non-mandatory fields.
  • For each one of these modules, create fields and tabs that you miss. Before creating many fields, think about what ultimate purpose these fields will serve (reporting, notification, automation, etc).
  • For each one of these modules, re-order fields across the form
  • For each one of these modules, adjust the "All Item" filter by hiding and adding columns. Reducing the number of columns makes eramba load quicker and also keeps you distracted from non-relevant information.

Data Privacy

Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:


Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:

Risk Management

Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:

Online Assessments

Incident Management