Implementation Roadmap

Learn the process you need to follow to learn how eramba is used and implementated

  • Episodes10
  • Duration18m 14s
  • LanguagesEN
Episode 7

Data Entry

Identify and Create data in eramba


In this phase, you will identify data (Policies, Risks, etc) and upload it to eramba. Is CRUCIAL that you input real data, a system with non-accurate data produces non-accurate information.

Phase Instructions:

  • On the left panel, click on the "Use Case" you previously selected. Read the documentation and then complete tasks.

Risk Management

Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:


  • Use CSV Imports to create Solutions, Inputs and Risks quicker

Compliance Management

Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:


  • Use CSV Imports to create Solutions and map them to Compliance Requirements

Incident Management

Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:

Online Assessments

Required Learning:

Implementation Tasks:

  • Define your OA questionnaire strategy
  • Create OA questionnaires using Spreadsheets, you can use our templates as inspiration
  • Upload them to the OA module in the Questionnaires tab
  • Create a test OA, without authentication to test how the questionnaire formatting and logic work out
  • Repeat the previous steps until your questionnaires work as intended
  • Delete all OAs you created to test
  • Create all OAs required, this may vary based on your OA strategy. Do not start them yet, this will be done at the Rollout phase of the implementation to include notifications, etc.


Awareness Programs

Required Learning: 

Implementation Tasks: